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God On A Harley (1996)

God on a Harley (1996)

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3.96 of 5 Votes: 5
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0671002783 (ISBN13: 9780671002787)
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About book God On A Harley (1996)

Intrigued by the title, my wife picked this book up for a dime this past summer at a yard sale. Having now read it, she was so pleased by it that she wants to pass it on to our oldest daughter and her husband, and asked me to read it as well. As my rating indicates, I wasn't as taken with it.Like Joseph Addison's 18th-century work, "The Vision of Mirzah," this is definitely didactic literature intended to teach ideas, with a very plain storyline: human meets supernatural being, who then spouts philosophical precepts accredited by his supernatural status. (Fortunately, though, Brady's style is much more winsome than Addison's ponderous Neoclassical prose.) Comparison/contrast also suggests itself with The Shack, which I reviewed here on Goodreads earlier; both are written to state the author's religious views in terms palatable to secular-minded readers. But where the latter book is written from the standpoint of evangelical Christianity, this one is based on liberal theism with some flavoring of process theology and Eastern religion, which distinctly affects the result. Where The Shack sees sin as the basic human problem, and the remedy as radical moral reorientation through faith in God's saving work in Christ, here the problem is envisioned as poor attitudes, and the offered solution is pulling yourself up to mental health by the shoelaces through acceptance of pop psychology bromides. Of course, sin is basically attitudinal. But there are significant differences in the two approaches.Some of Brady's advice is unexceptionable common sense. But her basic starting-point is self; one of her six commandments (designed to replace the Biblical ten) is "Take care of yourself, first and foremost." It isn't hard to recognize that "self-help," approached this way by people without the radical moral re-orientation alluded to above, easily degenerates into another form of navel-gazing selfishness.

Este libro lo tuve que leer para un examen de mi universidad. La verdad pensaba que sería más aburrido por lo que dice en la contraportada, no me arrepiento de haberlo leído.No es demadiado fantastico, pero tampoco debo dejar de ver que tiene su propia magia igual que los demás. Este libro va un poco en no solo creer en una religión, la parte más importante de todos: confiar en ti y amarte.Al menos eso es lo más marcado que me dejo este libro hermoso. Si te gusta esos libros de autoestima es lo tuyo, además de que es fácil de leer, quisieras que estuviera Joe en una Harley para darte tus mandamientos personales.Se los recomiendo si estas en un trance de que no sabes que hacer con tu vida o deseas pasarte un día leyendo una interesante historia sobre Christine Moore. Yo no tenía muchos animos de leerlo, pero al final lo hice y me encanto mucho.En los momentos cuando Christine decia que amaba a Joe, se me hacia un poco extraño porque era Dios y no soy como las abuelitas, la entendería porque realmente queria verla feliz y ser una mejor persona pero ¿eso no es lo que él quiere? Por eso debes ver que el amor que estas es el correcto. De seguro muchos no lo leeran porque trata basicamente sobre una religion. Podrían leerla de otro punto de vista todos aquellos que no creen en esto pero si de verdad no le entras por el título, buen es su decisión.Buenas lecturas les deseo:)

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Christine Moore, a surgical trauma nurse nearing burn out, returns to New Jersey and to her long ago job. Believing that she has finally gotten over a bad relationship with one of the staff doctors, she braves running into him again. After the fateful encounter, Christine decides to go out for a drink and runs into Joe. Joe is only there to help her understand how to best live her life. For Christine, there are only 6 commandments and she seems to be a very quick learner.Very inspirational, not in a religious way that the title might imply. Everyone needs someone who believes in them and their right to be happy and content with their life. The life lessons in this book can be applied to anyone while the ideas, concepts and hopes can be a part of everyone. Joe gives another option for believing in God. This book encourages and enlightens without preaching with simple and light humor. This is a small book, a very quick and easy read with long lasting effects to anyone who takes it to heart.For some, the definition of 5 star rating is if you would re-read a book...... I re-read this book every summer and it never seems to loose the inspiration I enjoy from it so dates are: 7/26/07, 8/23/08, 7/3/09, 7/2/10, 8/8/11,

This is one of those easy-to-read-books. Written with a lot of simplicity, which helps to get the message faster and fortunately run the chance to actually learn and apply it to real life. Even though its a bit predictable, the story accomplish the job. The main characters are not really endearing but this peace of work contains good, clear and very helpful messages that could help someone who's interested in reaching a personal self-improvement, deeply look into our actions, habits, attitudes or simply the way we "receive" what life gives us in every single minute of every single day. It can help you to change the perspective of your our own life, like it says: "LIVE every moment of your life, because they are all beautiful and you shouldn't wast them." or "When you truly know who and what you are, with strengths and weaknesses, then you wont have to spend more time and energy trying to be different (...) accept your defects and deepen on your virtues, and love all what you are".Its a book about happiness and love, but not romantic-love but GENUINE LOVE. Love yourself, love what you have having nothing and start forgetting "vital-now-a-days-things like your clothes, the mirror, a perfume, a bunch of food, alcohol or just the fact that we live caring too much on what people think and we are constantly trying to change ourselves to feel more "accepted".
—Jess castellanos lobaton

I read this book at a time of crisis wherein I had no connection with faith and felt outcast by dogma but very much wanted to feel connected. A time when I was gaining a new conception of what g.o.d. might or might not be but all I had to go with was what I already knew. My spirituality has come a long way since but this book left it's impression at the time. The one thing I can recall is gaining some understanding, for me, that there couldn't be a one-size-fits all type of morality. The story itself is easy to read and sort of fun. Reading it at a time when I was open to moving into new spirituality and actually putting down a sort of agnosticism made it a memorable read. There is a Christian undercurrent in the fact that there is a character that represents an idea of god/jesus(?). I would caution against the (now) tired, played out idea that g.o.d. for any woman would be a dude on a modern day horse. Some vulnerable readers may tend to literalize that aspect, not a good idea. I wouldn't expect this to appeal to people looking for alternatives to Christianity, but are comfortable using that general frame of reference in this sort of book.

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